Singapore’s Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a series of exams that determine whether or not students are ready to graduate from primary ecole.
The PSLE exam is the first thing on every parent’s mind when their child reaches their last year in primary ecole in Singapore, or Primary 6.
The topics and concepts discussed, especially in the later years of primary ecole, make up a large part of the legendary exams.
PSLE Math, in particular, is known to be the exam that parents worry about the most. The PSLE Math paper includes tough math questions that students often struggle against. This section of the PSLE exam is known to be the cause for many students’ low PSLE grade.
But with the right knowledge and study plan, parents can help their child solve the tough PSLE Maths questions with ease.
In this page, we’ll explain about the PSLE Math exam, its common math questions, as well as how to help your child pass it!
Let’s overcome the PSLE Math exam together!